On nurturing the emergent SoTL researcher: Responding to challenges and opportunities
Video Abstract
This video abstract was created to support TLR’s study and article, “On nurturing the emergent SoTL researcher: Responding to challenges and opportunities”, published on the International Journal for Academic Development (IJAD).
Design Frames
I was given the project a month before the deadline, given the time restriction I decided to stick with to a limited colour palette and a mix of linework with large solid shapes. These are my 9 key design frames for the video abstract. After completing these key design frames, I cleaned up and created vectors of these illustrations on Illustrator.
Once my key design frames were approved, I proceeded with the animation stage. I start of by creating my animatics on Premiere Pro and move to After Effects to do all the animation. Each character animation is done by creating keyframes on their path properties, without any puppet pins.